what we do
solving unknown-unknowns
Delivering what customers already know they want is not enough to change the world. Innovation needs to go beyond the norm to deliver lasting systemic impact.
“The customer did not want Jimmy Hendrix, but they got him. And it changed the world.”
Instead of delivering product market fit and scale from there, we empower pioneering ventures to supersede present customer awareness. Innovation that delivers beyond expectation in order to change the market - and change the world.
Customer-centricity has been long, and deeply misunderstood. The design-principle has been formalized in the 80’s, and since been applied in a black/white manner, suggesting businesses ought to listen to their customers, with marketing frameworks like ‘Job To Be Done’. Yet, such are designed to increase sales through volume: the past era’s growth mindset.
Future businesses can not afford to scale their products based on growth as we’ve done in the past. We envision businesses that scale their systemic impact, and grow in true value across all 6 capitals due to quality delivery and continued innovation - not increasing sales volume.
ecosystems have no center
The objective is not to put the customer at the center. We uncover and create new ways of delivering value for the system to thrive, which the customer is part of.
We creatively transform science into unique strategic solutions with scientific impact and systemic results.
We believe in taking a leading role with innovation, and act on what we scientifically know the world needs, and solve for this challenge creatively. Pioneers look at value and potential by giving guidance to better. To do so, we need to consider the customer as part of a system, instead of placing them at the center of decision making.
This requires rescoping our thinking of, and acting on what it is we really ought to solve for:
A customer does not have a ‘need’.
Humans have needs in order to live in good health - customers have desires for the value in return for their money.
pragmatism in real-world dimensions
In order to solve for real-world challenges, we need to design in real-world dimensions.
Like a solving a Rubix Cube, science and creativity requires perspective from 4-dimensions to understand the problem, and anticipate the changing circumstances. We design business models in all dimensions for impact to last.
The most typical example of simplistic thinking is the concept of ‘chicken or the egg’, which assumes there is a linear sequence to creation. We rather look at the science of symbioses: the flower and the bee, leading to regeneration of value and a thriving ecosystem.
Given the system we need to solve for - our planet and all it’s eco-systems - we’ve developed an approach to design that goes beyond simplistic cookie-cutting methods and processes. Iterative, dynamic, and in 4 dimensions, allowing us to pragmatically solve for complexity. An approach that tailors to the specific circumstances that makes any business case unique - so is the nature of innovation.
dimensional approach
Pragmatic and ongoing value creation in 4-dimensions to deliver impact of the intention, and solve for un-intended consequences.
(re)Define foundational principles and requirements for short- and long-term business objectives to align innovation- & business success.
Understand changing paradigms between technology, biosphere and socio-cultural/behavioural trends to gauge and enable solving for known and unknown risk.
Realizing proposition objectives with actual scientific results through iterative, pragmatic execution & practices of influence. Making the intangible, tangible.
Match design-system solutions between environment, humanity, customer and user requirements to trigger re-occurrence: regenerative impact.
How we collaborate
All hands-on action
Extending venture teams with strategy, creative skill and scientific expertise that keeps their eye on delivering for short-term opportunities and long-term objectives.
Venture Partner
Focussing venture teams to do what they do best: innovate, and do it right. We extend your team with 4 experts invested in result-based strategy & decision making of your proposition, with skin in the game.
Strategy Support
Stand-by scientific insights with disruptive solutions that guide teams to plan, organize and prepare for traction and growth with radical impact.