integrity is not a relevant value to put up on a wall and talk about, but a basic requirement to act on for real-world impact and business worth.

Our integrity is measured through our impact and the results we deliver. This is nothing linear, but is based a multitude of frameworks that provide different perspectives on the same: what we say and what we do. Providing complete transparency on our liability, our strategy, our policy and out outcomes is what makes for accountable to ourselves and our partners.

beyond B-corp

our statutory liability, Article 2:

“to provide business strategic services, such as developing business models, propositions, products and services to promote future business value, revenue, profit and positive impact on people and the planet;”

While we acknowledge and support the cause of B-corp, we believe we need to push beyond merely considering the environment and social impact of business, in order to advance industries beyond what we can imagine. We know environment, humanity, customers and users are an integrated system that requires to be solved for on equal level in order to create truly regenerating systemic impact. Therefore, we need to be held to such account - which is defined at our core.

Our statutory responsibility is based on providing, and making us liable for, delivering real impact.

terms & conditions

Defined principles that go beyond the usual, based on purpose, and tailored to our shared mission…

internal policy

To ensure our ability to deliver Radical Value, we first need to have our own house in order. This means that we need to push the mark on innovation of our own culture, and we invite any and all to hold us to account.

United Nations Global Compact

Radical Value Agency is an endorser of the UNGC, and incorporates it’s Sustainable Development Goals, as well as it’s Ten Principles, into strategies, policies and procedures and establishing a culture of integrity.


To establish the integrity of strategy and impact of our own business, and by extension that of our partners and clients, we leverage multiple frameworks for reporting.

Additional to our own, we require from all our partners and clients to support and align their reporting with both the United Nations Global Compact, as well as the Science Based Targets Initiative.